If you've ever explored the area of Yellowstone, you know how wild it can feel. I've lived near the park now for about 10 years, exploring the landscape in and out of the park. In this post, I want to share with you a recent oil on canvas I based off Gibbon Falls in Yellowstone National Park.

This waterfall is one you can actually drive up to and take this photo. When the time of year and conditions are right, the water trickling down the rocks forms a brilliant composition. After pulling over for the first time to look at this falls, I knew I wanted to use it as the centerpiece in a painting one day, but I didn't know what at the time.

Through the hundreds of miles that I've explored in and around the park, the one animal that I became most intrigued by is the bighorn ram. They exhibit such force and power through their behavior, and yet, can be one of the most illusive creatures at times.
After several experiences with bighorns and having the chance to photograph them, I knew what direction I wanted to take this painting idea in. And so, I began planning a scene that I was familiar with, but at the same time, left me wondering. I shared the process of that in this video:
Perhaps it's a story of a simpler time. A herd of rams traverse the edge of a rocky slope, looking down at a small team of pack horses as they're lead across the river.

The ram stands prominently in the foreground, high up on a rocky ledge. He's followed by a group of rams traversing the rock slide behind.

A bald eagle soars beneath the rainbow above while its mate is perched on the dead tree near the falls.

I wanted to capture a story of the vast wild found within this ecosystem. Including a little piece of those who roam it was also something I wanted to do. Much of these lands are suited for horseback, and I imagined this place being somewhere far off the beaten trail. I wonder where they're headed.

The mountainsides around here are so vast and so remote. I quite often think about the possibilities of what can be found or experienced. This piece really captured my curiosity and I'm reminded of why I love to explore.

Measuring 30x40, I painted this on a canvas board and chose this antique bronze frame for it. View the original available here.
I hope that you enjoyed this painting and thank you for taking the time to read my story. I have canvas prints available of this piece if you are interested. I continue to explore my desire to capture these places within my artwork. I think that this painting has given me a lot to think about as I move forward into a new series I have planned, and I look forward to sharing more with you.